As Cabinet member for Equalities, I have been at the forefront of ensuring people in the constituency are supported through the Cost of Living crisis.
The crisis, caused by Liz Truss's mini-budget crashing the economy and pushing up interest rates means that we must now prepare for the hardest winter in decades. I helped set up Cost of Living summits across six towns in Monmouthshire to ensure that our excellent community groups work together and are supported so we know where the need is and what gaps we need to fill so no one is left behind this winter.
“The cost of living summits were a really helpful tool to bring together all the support and community groups in town to look at what support is out there now, where the gaps are and how we can fill them. I was delighted to be invited and have made some good contacts and good plans as a result"
Monmouth participant
As well as this I have been at the forefront of ensuring that the Welsh Government cost of living funding is targeted at those families and individuals that need it most. For example, disabled people, people on Universal Credit and those families with children on Free School Meals. We have also been able to provide fuel vouchers for those that need them.