In November, Catherine Fookes, Labour’s parliamentary candidate for Monmouthshire visited Mind Monmouthshire in Abergavenny to celebrate the work they do for Welsh Charities Week.
Meeting Mind Monmouthshire’s Operations Manager, Bernadette, Ms Fookes learned about the many projects Mind Monmouthshire are running, including their innovative Rural Workers Project which supports the well-being of farmers and rural workers in Monmouthshire and has a base at Raglan Livestock Market.
Ms Fookes told the Chronicle: “I grew up on a farm, and currently have a small holding, so I have seen first-hand how hard farming life can be and how the long hours and isolation can take its toll on families, particularly men. I was so pleased to hear how successful their Rural Workers Project is going. By providing a safe space to talk at Raglan Livestock Market, the project helps tackle the isolation that farming life can bring. Mind Monmouthshire are leading the way with this project and I would love to see projects like this extended across other rural communities.”
She also found out about Mind Monmouthshire’s six-week supported self-help programme which is currently taking place at Monmouth Comprehensive, where Ms Fookes is a School Governor. The programme helps young people understand their feelings and emotions and supports them if they are experiencing bullying. Additionally, the charity runs a free supported self-help service for anyone living in Monmouthshire.
“Mind Monmouthshire are doing fantastic work,” Fookes said. “I’m pleased to hear about their National Lottery Community and Welsh Government funding as well as hearing about the fundraising events that local communities and businesses in Monmouthshire are putting on in support. Not only does this funding support these vital services, but it provides jobs and cash flow to the area.”